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Information per country

Practical information per country

Employer or employee abroad? View our country overview with practical information about employment in various countries.

Select a country to find specific information on practical topics such as holidays, school holidays or inflation figures.

Information about personnel abroad

If you employ local employees abroad who are resident in that country and also work there all or some of the time, then, in principle, the social security of their country of residence is applicable. You will also be charged payroll tax in the country of residence of such employees, and you will be subject to local labour law in that country.

Our series of Factsheets on Personnel Abroad, which you can download below in Dutch, French, English or German, provide information on regulations, payroll costs, social and other insurance and administrative aspects!





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Together, solution-oriented and caring

Since 1972, Interfisc has offered international HR & Payroll solutions in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy. We do this from our offices in the Netherlands and Belgium, and with an international team of around 45 committed and caring employees. 

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If our website does not provide the answers, please do not hesitate to contact us, together we can work out the best solution (to your needs).

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