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Notification “end of employment contract” only via portal

If you are a customer of our Dutch payroll department (Interfisc B.V.), please read the following message regarding the notification ‘end of employment contract’ carefully!

In April 2021 we informed you about a different way we will inform you of the expiration date of the employment contract of your employee(s). At the moment we monthly send you an email with the notification which employment contracts of your employee’s will expire within 2 months. The reason we send you this email is that you can inform the employee in time about your plans with the employee (and his contract) and you can meet your legal requirements. As of January 1, 2015, there has been a change in Dutch employment law regarding the notice period. The employer has to inform the employee in writing no later than one month before the employment contract ends about whether or not to continue the employment contract. This does not apply to employment contracts shorter than 6 months, but we advise you to inform anyway.

Currently you also receive this automatically generated message via our portal and therefore actually twice. We have therefore decided to only let the information go through our portal as of July 1, 2021. If you have an account for our portal you will only receive a notification at the email address(es) that we have registered. If you login to our portal you will also see this notification on the main desk board under the heading “more to know/nog te weten”.

The notification that you will receive in both the email and the portal is as follows: End of contract/einde contract, “name of employee”/”naam medewerker” and “date of end of contract”/”datum einde contract”.

We kindly request you to inform us, using the email address, in time whether the employment contract will be extended and, if so, until which date, please? Would you mind remembering to also send us the employment contract signed by employee and employer so that we, when applicable, can change the possible high WW-premium (unemployment premium) to the low premium, please? The lower premium applies in case of a written employment contract for an indefinite period signed by both parties.

If we do not hear from you when an employment contract expires, we will stop paying the employee concerned on the date that the employment contract ends. We do this to prevent salary being paid while the employee has left your company.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions about our portal, we kindly advise you to check our website for user manuals

You can also contact us using the email address or you call us on 0031 – (0) 70 313 3000.

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Since 1972, Interfisc has offered international HR & Payroll solutions in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy. We do this from our offices in the Netherlands and Belgium, and with an international team of around 45 committed and caring employees. 

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