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Free webinars

Welcome to our world of cross-border work!

Are you thinking of expanding your business abroad but are you not sure where to begin? To help you get started, you can participate in a diverse range of free webinars & video’s.

The LIVE WEBINARS are brought to you free of charge by Interfisc and partners

Kinderdijk NL
Lokaal personeel in Nederland. Alles wat u moet weten over ziekteverzuim, loondoorbetalingsplicht en ziekengeldverzekering in Nederland.  Language: Dutch
Verkoopsucces in België door het aannemen van lokale salesmensen; hoe werkt dit contractueel en administratief? Language: Dutch
Webinar over Frankrijk
Verkoopsucces in Frankrijk door het aannemen van lokale salesmensen; hoe werkt dit contractueel en administratief? Language: Dutch
Webinar over Nederland
Réussir ses ventes aux Pays-Bas grâce à l’embauche de personnel local aux Pays-Bas, comment cela fonctionne-t-il sur le plan contractuel et administratif ? Language: French
Webinar over Nederland
Verkaufserfolg in den Niederlanden durch Einstellung lokaler Vertriebsmitarbeiter  Language: German
Webinar over Nederland
Verkoopsucces in Nederland door het aannemen van lokale salesmensen; hoe werkt dit contractueel en administratief? Language: Dutch special voor Belgian employers
Kinderdijk NL
Local staff in the Netherlands. All you need to know about sick leave, salary payment obligation and sick pay insurance in the Netherlands.  Language: English

De loonstrook in Duitsland

* not yet available *

webinar Duitsland
De loonstrook in Duitsland en de valkuilen van het arbeidsrecht. Wees goed voorbereid!
Check out the overview of our events on location as well as online!

Together, solution-oriented and caring

Since 1972, Interfisc has offered international HR & Payroll solutions in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy. We do this from our offices in the Netherlands and Belgium, and with an international team of around 45 committed and caring employees. 

Need to know more?

Questions about what needs to be done?
Our customer support team is at your service, you can reach us by phone or via the contact form.

Not found what you were looking for?

In the world of international employment, every situation is unique.
If our website does not provide the answers, please do not hesitate to contact us, together we can work out the best solution (to your needs).

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