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Green light from European Parliament for equal pay

In our previous news release, entitled Cross border temporary work, we referred to new rules for posting employees. We are now able to announce that agreement has been reached in the European Parliament concerning the principle of equal pay for equal work at the same locality for employees posted to another member state. This is discussed in the newsletter, below (source: SDU newsletter).

Green light from the European Parliament for equal pay

The European Parliament has reached agreement with regard to rules and regulations for employees who are posted to another EU member state. The proposals are intended to bring about a higher degree of protection for employees and fairer competition amongst European employees. Now agreement must be reached with the member states, amongst which there is still disagreement.

How can Interfisc be of help to you?

If you wish to learn (more) about the rules and regulations with regard to posting your employees to other EU member states, feel free to contact us. We should be happy to inform you!

Your contact persons at Interfisc :

• For Belgium: Dirk Laruelle,, tel. 0032 (0)3 825 5003
• For the Netherlands: Roelof Bos,, tel. 0031 (0)70 313 3080

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Since 1972, Interfisc has offered international HR & Payroll solutions in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy. We do this from our offices in the Netherlands and Belgium, and with an international team of around 45 committed and caring employees. 

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