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Reforms for the new employment law in the Netherlands already necessary

As usual in the Netherlands, parts of the brand new Balanced Labour Market Act (Wet arbeidsmarkt in balans, WAB) effective as from 1 January 2020, have already been repaired, because some of the requirements could hardly be met in practice.

Especially with regard to employees who have been employed for a longer period of time but did not yet have a written employment contract for an indefinite period, easing rules have been implemented.
Click here to view the fully updated overview of changes.

We have also listed the rules on the transition payment for you; since 1 January 2020, this payment has been payable in all cases of involuntary departure of the employee, not only if the employee had been employed for 2 years or more. Read more.

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Since 1972, Interfisc has offered international HR & Payroll solutions in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy. We do this from our offices in the Netherlands and Belgium, and with an international team of around 45 committed and caring employees. 

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